I am in the process of digitizing my wife Nancy's slides of Turkey from 1983. They are the pics she took while we traveled around the country, she working on her dissertation, and I writing scenes for Ottoman Beachcomber (to see previous posts on this topic, CLICK HERE). Due to the age of the slides, and perhaps less than favorable photographic conditions at the time, the slides are rather washed out, and they seem to have drifted into the purple registers. For example, here's a picture of the Sultan Beyazit Cami in Amasya:
It's a nice enough picture, but, I think you'll agree, it lacks pizazz. So I started working on it, using Gimp. Step 1:
Not a big change. You may not even notice it: telephone wires gone. Step 2:
Now, that's more like it. This is a beautiful mosque made of gorgeous stone. Step 3:
The mountain in the background recovers some of its fire. And notice, the wagon's delightful paint job is now visible. On to step 4:
Do you see the change?? The boy vanishes! Now step 5 is perhaps a little much, but bear with me:
Is the sky over-bright? Maybe, but I'm not done yet. Now we get to the fun part, making this a visionary experience:
And still one step further:
This is what the world feels like and seems like when you're traveling out on the edge, having the time of your life. The camera may only see that drab first image, but that's not the truth when you're traveling almost-out-of-body!