Thursday, July 07, 2016

The Madeleine Amulet: Producing the Amulet

This brief video shows the process of designing, drawing, calligraphing, painting, and illuminating an amulet for my sweet little kabuchki Madeleine.

Brick entranceway

I'm closing in on finishing my next video, showing the production of the Madeleine Amulet. In the meantime, I work a couple of hours each day on the chain gang, breaking bricks. Here are 4 images of the progress.

Progress, as of day 19:

Now the fun part, designing the central area. Here's what I've got so far:

Now just imagine if the black granite were lapis lazuli...

Back to reality. Fortunately, there are no kids in the neighborhood, or I might have inspired them with some new, creative uses of language.