Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shaddiy Werlz

This poem is part of a series, Augeries of a World of Kindness, in the book The Pardaes Dokkumen. The book is still in the editing phase; this poem has recently attained the status of “fair copy”, that is, ready for the public. The Pardaes Dokkumen is a book of varied poems, individual and in series, expanding on a famous but little understood midrash (story, exploration) from the Talmud, Haggigah 14b, in which 4 rabbis (Akeva, ben Zoma, ben Azzai, and Avuya) ascend to the upper worlds, Pardes (pronounced Pardaes) altho even that statement is an interpretation. These poems, these Pardaes Dokkumen, are arranged in a modified Talmudic format. The text of Talmud is divided into two parts, a terse opening statement, a Mishnah (what is received), and an expanded dialog about the Mishnah, the Gemarrah (completions). These Pardaes Dokkumen are arranged similarly, but Zoharically, with an opening poem, a Kabbalah (tradition, what is accepted), and an expanded series of interpretations, the Hiddurim (beautifications, enhancements).

This poem, Shaddiy Werlz, is told from the point of view of ben Zoma (one of the 4 rabbis mentioned above). Two further clarifications: First “Shaddiy” is a word superimposing two primary idea/images: most obviously “shadow” coupled with Shaddiy, a Biblical name of God, usually in the form “El Shaddai”, which has been interpreted variously, most commonly as “God of Might”, altho I am particularly partial to the interpretation “God the Nurturer”. Second, the Hebrew word, transliterated as “Henanee”, appears numerous times in the poem. It is usually translated as “Here Am I”, and in the Bible is most commonly used as a positive response when one is called upon by the Upper Worlds, or as a statement of readiness, awaiting the Upper Worlds to act thru the caller.

Awgerreez ov a Werld a Kiendness
Shaddiy Werlz

I dizzolv, I dizzolv. Henanee.
Awl ov me, I am washt awway. Henanee.
Frum brit melah* to kaddesh ha-tome**,

                        * circumcision; ** prayer for the dead
I am wash awway, I dizzolv. Henanee.

Arrownd my Seel a gallexxee ov Addom.
Dizzolven, dizzolven. Henanee.
And arrownd that gallaxxee ov Addom, voidness;
Washen and washt awway. Henanee.

Frayd and dekayd; I kawl. Henanee.
At the ej ov me at the ej ov Yu.
Fraktel, and refraktel. Kawlz ov Henanee.
Frum the ej ov me in the hart ov Yu.

But, wut this fase, arrizzen frum my ejjez?
Helix in my helisseez. Henanee.
Hu ar yu, shaddiy man?
Yur Henanee in my Henanee.

    "Zoma, it is I, yur Master,
    "El Shaddiy, ov yur shaddiy werldz.
    "Wut yu see iz wut I seed,
    "Yur werld within a mennee werldz.
    "Neer, so neer. Heer it sing.
    "Verb, reverb; my werd in yu.
    "Its skaelz: in jeyolojjek shaeps,
    "Its mellodeez: oesheyannek staets.
    "Now lissen klose; lern the trope.
    "Tern the key. My werld iz open."

Yes, I see annuther werld;
Parallel pepel in parallel lievz.
Heer a man kry; thare a man kriez.
Here he iz ignord. Thare... he iz not.

Du I see korrekt, or oenlee wut I expekt?

Heer I see a wouman despaerz.
The same thare; the same despaer.
Heer? Kiend werdz but stil despaer.
Thare? The werdz that kool, repaer.
Dizzolven borderz. Bareyerz innerwoev.
Three feenger breths divvide owwer werldz.

    Kross over, yu proffets and border-brakerz.
    A werld ov kiendness, but a breth awway.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring in DC

In DC it's hard to drive anywhere; the traffic's dreadful; the traffic management is worse than dreadful; and the drivers, well, until you've experienced it, you can't imagine the utter state of dysfunction that goes on here. And in spring it's even worse, because every 50 feet there's another remarkable picture of nature at its most wondrous.

Here are a few pictures I've grabbed on the fly, driving thru Rock Creek Park, and elsewhere:

Redbuds in a little park in Takoma Park:

Early spring, Beach Road in RCP, north of the 495:

Taken from the same spot as above, turning a bit to the right:

The following are all from today. This one, in RCP about a mile north of the ranger station, birch leaves unfurling:

Just down the trail from the picture above:

From a little parking area that led to the trail where I took the pix above:

From the same parking area, turning a little to the left:

Another mile up Beach Road I had to stop to capture this:

And as I walked a little trail to take the picture above, I came across this: