Saturday, December 20, 2008

Prometheus unbound

This poem stretches English just about as far as I've gone so far. Please forgive me, oh weary reader, for the demands I place upon your thinking. Perhaps, if I have done my job well, you will find that you end up with more energy than you started with, in spite of all the effort you will expend as you climb steeply into these starry speres of our mind. I remember, at the very beginning of my career I dreamed a poem in iambic pentameter, more or less, with a refrain, "Let us blindly climb the damp horizon cliffs." (Alas, the refrain was a hexameter, at least as I translated it into waking-state language.) So I invite you to climb with me.

I promise: my next post(s) from new writings called Transmigren Jernelz will be in English you might even recognize!!

Parabbel ov the Rebbellen Sunz

A tiem and tiemz ov a worryer Keeng
Huze konkerst ar spredden wide Hem naemz,
The Wun ov the Mennee, the Ruel ov Ruelz.
Hem send forth an armee, thay proffet and praest
Akross the land ov landz; razen the flaggen
A grate hullallu, kompoesten nu salmz.

Now the Keeng iz the see wut Hem arm estormz.
The grassez an forres bow in Hem blo.
Sated, retern Hem tu the pallas abbuv
Tu observ the staets thru Hem fragtel sunz.

A nu raen bloez in with this set ov sunz.
Messiya tokkerz in thaer gild chareyets,
Maken mennee ov wun, ruelen over ruel.

     “Up, up, chareyet, rize tu the sky!
     “I am the sun, an Ark in the sky,
     “Huze lite kuts a path for the Aenshent Day!
     “So tru, I restor the fallen man;
     “My siyens refiggyerz the imperfek law.”

The sunz ov the Keeng shine owt thaer lite,
And persue the shaddoez expelld frum thaer Ark,
Darkness heept behind the glassee towwerz,
Vast bildenz in inspiren owwerz.

     “Thus ar we dun withowt a keeng.
     “Wut need we then ov a keeng at all?
     “Owwer apprentisship over. Let us kast off the yoke,
     “And resekens the koedz ov that Aenshent Day.”

Forwerd thay rush in the lietneeng werd
Tu the Pallas the Keeng, a fureyus exxert.
Fiyer thay showt, and missivz thay shoot
And down kum the Pallas, rubbel and sout.

And the Keeng iz wok Hem fiyeree rampart
And obzerv the rebbel sunz at wark.
     “My Howzez a wership a skorch a dekay.
     “And my babeez userp my awthorrattay.”

Thus the chieldz sot tu take Hem life,
But all thay got iz dust in thaer mowf,
And mortel remaenz ov a muzzeld Soel,
Thaer appawl layerren dreemz ov kontroel.

Rebbel sunz, wut will yu du
Now that the raenz ar fallen on yu?
Ware will yu leed and hu will follo?
Wut Seel will trust yu, kum the marro?

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