Sunday, July 26, 2009

Descent into Ertha

Here is an excerpt from The Song ov Elmallahz Kumming, Bouk 6, Gottesverdammerung: In the End ov Time. Although the original writing dates from over a decade ago, I am still in the process of revising it and producing a fair copy. You can find other excerpts from this long poem by scrolling down to the list of “Labels” (a bit below the four slide shows), and clicking on “Song ov Elmallah.”

In this particular scene, the Messenger Elmallah stands in his Heaven and looks out over the worlds, preparing to descend into our world, into Ertha. His mission is to lift his loved one, Ertha, from her miseries and inconscience. But the problem is, once he descends into this world, he too becomes blind and lost like us. Yet he must somehow remember his mission and convey his message, his knowledge, to his Bride of Ages, so that she might be able to arise to him in time to come.

The scene begins with an epigraph from an earlier time in history, from Bouk 4, during the reign of the Byzantine rulers Justinian and Theodora.

Az If Planting a Seed
                          The hi preestess assendz the stare.
                              The waevz ov the see bow thaer hedz
                              And wun by wun thay fawl tu thaer neez.
                              With eech prostraten a lo moen rizez,
                              The wotterz speeking in a singel tung.
                              – Levvel 1:4

In my divvine yewth I assend the skaelz
     The waevz ov plezher rush thru my limz
     Thay brake on the shor ov my Soel a thunder.
     O hevvenlee werlz, o hevvenlee bewteez!

In my sworthee yewth, in owwer twilite werld
     The waevz ov unsertentee* krash on my shorz
                    * utherz: konshents
     Awwakening feerz and gilts and douts.
     O devowwering werldz,
          O danjerres bewteez.

O twilite werld with yur fals storreez,
     Yur narrativ mazez, yur pathz inkomplete.
     I stand on the dizzeying ej ov yur klefs
     Preparing tu leep and enter aggen.

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