Thursday, October 03, 2013

4 images for Elmallah, Bouk 2

I am now preparing the manuscript (e-script? since little is being done by manu, hand, beyond keyboarding) for The Song ov Elmallahz Kumming, Bouk 2. All the audio is done - readings of the stanzas - so the reader can also listen to the text.

I am now preparing the images, most of which are based on cave paintings and ancient bas reliefs, in keeping with the setting of the poem, which takes place on the edge of prehistory, just before the emergence of powerful city-states and their conflicts with hunter-gatherer societies. We see Ertha being inspired by Elmallah.

Below are the first completed images. Your feedback, as ever, is of great value to me.

To accompany the introductory text, "Concerning Bouk 2: for Ertha it is set in a prehistoric moment, a timeless period from which she is emerging as she experiences a glorious expansion of her consciousness," this image:

The poem begins. With these lines from stanza 2:
   Befor I had seen the endz ov my luv
   And the fewcher chaenjez that I wuz impregnen,
   I left Erthaz prezzens
   Tu pray tu owr Lor
   And wen I reternd she wuz gon.

this image:

With these lines from stanza 7,
   Wen I reecht owt tu her
   With so much wizdem and no expeer

this image:

And finally, to accompany these lines from stanza 8,
   She ran awway like a woonded liyon
   And dissappeerd in a kovert.

this image:

I'll keep you posted as the project proceeds. Please keep me posted with your thoughts and impressions.

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