Thursday, November 13, 2008

new work for Pardaes Dokkumen, 3

And here is the 2nd translation of the poem I. Tranzskripten the Divvine Kort, which was originally posted on 11/10/08. See my notes on 11/11/08 that preface the first translation.

I. From the Transcriptions of the Divine Court

Seeing heavenly signs, those that await
The great Tekoun*, prepare their bodies          * Repair/Redemption
In prayerful meditations. Then courage arises,
And they ascend in their enthroning Lore.
With present evidence and clarifications,
They conclude,
     “I am ready to descend and instill a divine will.”

Those committed to living as Jews declare,
     “I am like Messiah, to inherit redemption.”
And thus descend they, and only 8 days later
Cry out their parents, “circumcise, circumcise,
     “For this is the first rite to prepare for Messiah.”
Oh their sadness and sorrows as they confront the marble walls
The inflexible genetics that seal the body.

And those that would be Christian, cry they out,
     “I take upon myself to manage the Lore,
     “What we see as heaven is shaped by earth.”
Ah, how torn and how forgetful
Our life in the fetters of earth’s contradictions.

And those that would be Muslim, they cry out,
     “Send me down in the spirit of war,
     “To the earth, corrupt with harlot and thug.
     “There will I force compassion and peace.”
Promptly they abandon their premise and their Lore,
And revel in war, most angry and cruel.

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