Friday, November 28, 2008

revision to "Judgement in the Divine Court"

Working on the translation of the poem I posted on 11/19/08, II. Juj Men in the Divvine Korten, I could clearly see that parts of the stevespell version needed significant revisions. Here is the poem with those revision. Tomorrow, 11/29, I will post the first of the 2 translations I made into normspell. I expect to follow that with the second translation on 11/30.

II. Juj Men in the Divvine Korten

In thaer hevvenz the Proffets ov the Aenshent Day
Obzerven the werlz that thay ar be ster.

Moesheh and hiz sanhedrin ov dessipelz sit;
Thay, the hewman jenome ov Uddoniy.
Frum Yehhoeshuwa and Shmuwel tu Ezra and Mallakhee
This korten diktate in the pepel Yisroyel.*
                    * utherz say “Yesherrun”

All trembelz, the pepel try tu obay
But thaer Messiya Seel so nebbulen a wisp,
And Ertha so brash. Wut ken thay heer?
Eksept Yisroyel tu be yewnaffiyd
The innerfeeree werl thaer Werd will exteengwish.

And intu vizhen feelz, fallo an fertel,
Askorn men went owt the Tempel aplowwen;
Theze 2 in soyel kostek tu thaer teeth:

Yeshuwa, hiz lone and chantee vois
Bit ov abstrak taelz in a langwij unknowen.
But hiz minyenz immajjin hiz werd iz kleer,
That he speek in a ling that korrespon tu heer.
Thay trampen, a stampeen in tromma thaer herd.
In thaer waken, hu ken beleev a werd?

Frum iz tuemz the Lor Worz ekko Muhommed.
Repaenten he, all the terrabbelz groen
Frum wizdemz twisten by haetfallen shaeks.
     “My faet in brooden a hows ov polute
     “My bouk iz a plaen ov worren a hate.
     “The jehod versez a werld so kerrupt,
     “My dimma vew ov the holee Seel.
     “Tu karv owt my chieldz a relm a pees;
     “Behoeld the bluddee nife that I bare!
     “Islom it sellz the Dar el Herd.
     “Tu this Lor I am drawn in brutish werd.”
And Mohommed iz tern hiz bak on theze Seelz
In hiz jennerratenz, till strikken thaer will.
Thaer worken he innerseed that it fael.

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